Project Description
Vincent was playing with his little sister Madison (age 6) and their friends next door. Madison was playing on their neighbors swing set while the other children were happily playing tag. They excitedly urged Madison to join their game of tag and in the process of trying to leave the swing quickly, Madison dragged her feet on the ground to slow down. Instead of slowing down, Madison was thrown from the swing and flew through the air before she landed on the ground! The 3 children ran over to Madison, who was lying face down on the ground. They were all afraid she was very hurt as she was crying a little and wasn’t moving. Maddy said her arm hurt. Vincent knew he needed to tell a grown-up since he learned the important steps in Yell and Tell. Madison told her brother she was OK and wanted to keep playing and the neighbor children didn’t want to get in trouble, so they didn’t want Vincent to say anything either. But Vincent knew he had to tell a grown up. He quickly ran back home to tell their grandfather what had happened and that he was worried Maddy might really be hurt but she was afraid to say anything. Vincent and Madison’s grandfather rushed over to see what had happened. Just then, Vincent and Madison’s daddy came home too. The grown-ups looked at Madison’s arm and knew they had to take her to the hospital! Madison had broken both bones in her arm and she had to have a cast put on! In the hospital, Madison told the Dr that her brother was the one who helped her and Vincent said he remembered what to do because of Yell and Tell!
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