Project Description

Kendorian and his father were home together in the house one night. When Kendorian heard a loud noise coming from the living room, he ran in to see his father lying on the floor. Kendorian tried to talk to his father but his father did not talk back to him. Kendorian knew something was not right. He wanted to yell but the rest of the family was not in the house. He knew he had to do something. He remembered what he had learned from Yell and Tell—call 911 when you need help. So he called 911 and told the person on the phone what was happening. He listened closely to what the person was asking and he answered all the questions. Kendorian also gave his home address to the person on the phone. It was not long before an ambulance came and helped Kendorian’s father. Kendorian’s father had what is called a diabetic coma—something that is serious and needs immediate help. It was the call to 911 that helped Kendorian’s father. Kendorian’s quick thinking to call 911 makes him a hero and it is something Kendorian’s family will remember for a long time.
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